6 ways to improve your business security

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6 ways to improve your business security

Protecting your business security is so important. We live in an online world which can be positive but can also bring many dangers to businesses.
We’ve pulled together a checklist of 6 ways to improve your business security. You might need help with one or two or the whole lot. Whatever the case, don’t delay it anymore – we can help!

1. Two-Step Verification

If you have an Office 365 account, it’s highly recommended to set up two-step verification/multi-factor authentication. It adds an extra layer of security to your Office 365 account. You sign in with your password as well as a verification code that is sent to you by text message. This will protect your account by making it a lot more difficult for someone else to sign in. Contact us for help on setting this up!

2. Anti-Virus Software

Nowadays, where there are more security threats than ever before – having any old Anti-Virus is just not good enough. You need the best protection out there for your business. You might have anti-virus installed – but is it working? Thankfully, we know a few things about anti-virus and can check if it’s working and if you do need to install some – recommend the best software out there.

3. Backup

Your server or PC contains pretty much all the important data that you need – correct? How very important it is then to have that information backing up in case something goes wrong. Something as simple as a computer crash, hard drive failure or a virus infection can mean you lose vital data. Thankfully there are plenty of affordable and reliable backup solutions that we can offer and set up for you. Contact us to discuss the best backup option for your business.

4. Limiting Access

Although I’m sure your colleagues and staff are very lovely – there are some things that I’m sure you’d prefer they didn’t access at work. Whether it be Facebook for Abbie in accounts or a dodgy website you don’t want anyone on – we can help you control this. Also to protect certain data – you may only want chosen people to access certain folders in your company’s shared folder. We can help you set this up so that staff can only access what they need to at work.

5. Proper Passwords

Ahhhh passwords! Seemingly the simplest way of protecting your secure information but somehow the one that so many fail on. Passwords should be strong, complex & memorable to only you. That means including numbers, punctuations, capital letters etc. They shouldn’t be obvious words like the same as your username, the word ‘password’ or your husband’s name (hackers have facebook too!) You should change your password at times too (eg every couple of months). We can set you and your staffs computer up to make you reset your password after a specific time.

6. Patch Management

Updates/patches need to be done when a manufacturer finds a security issue that needs fixing. If you don’t carry out these updates, you’re leaving yourself wide open for security breaches. However, keeping on top of these updates is not easy. There are a lot of updates to cope with especially on a whole office worth of devices. This is where Patch Managment Software comes in. It deals with all the patches/updates for you from one device which can be someone at your office or here at Castle Computers. Contact us for more information on this effective and helpful software.

How many can you tick off?
It’s fantastic if you’re able to able to knock some of these off your security checklist. However to be fully secure, we recommend you have something in place for all 6 points. We can help you to get there so you know you’ve done all you can to protect your business.
Contact us today on 01228 590900 or email info@castle-computers.com